Beeh Low See Temple Singapore Conducted The Attha Sila – Eight Precepts Retreat
Beeh Low See Temple Singapore Conducted The Attha Sila – Eight Precepts Retreat
Temple News:
2022年9月4日至6日,農曆八月初九至十一上午,本山恭請澳中佛教總會會長、般若禪院住持 般若大和尚傳授八關齋戒及精進最後一炷香公開給大衆聆聽佛法,主持弘揚戒法佛法開示。初九下午5點,受戒弟子報到。
The temple conducted the Attha Sila – the Buddhist Eight Precepts Retreat for the Buddhist from September 4th to 6th, 2022, the 9th to 11th of the 8th lunar month and cordially invited the president of the Australia-China Buddhist Association, abbot of the Prajna Buddhist Temple, Venerable Bo Rue to preside over the retreat and Dharma talk to the public on the last night.
On the 4th September evening 5:00 p.m., all participants reported.
本山住持親自教導演禮傳授戒法並教導四威儀、過堂、用齋————端碗如龍吐珠, 下筷鳳點頭,以及出班進班的規矩。
The Eight Precepts is the code of ethics laid down by Buddha to aid lay Buddhists in their spiritual practice where they get to experience short-term monastic life.
The Venerable abbot Venerable Hui Xiong personally taught the eight precepts retreat Etiquette, such as the four etiquette-four kinds of comportment. Through practicing Buddhist etiquettes and majestic manners, participants could walk in to the daily practices of an enlightened and cultivate better understanding in Buddhist.
The Atthasila – The Eight Precepts are the foundation of all Buddhist training. The retreat is to let the Lay Buddhists have the opportunity to experience monastic life. When we leave the home-life to cultivate the Way, we should always keep the body and mind in a concentrated and alert state.
The Venerable abbot also taught the comportment of monastery formal Buddhist meals, when holding a bowl resembled a dragon spitting out a pearl, holding chopsticks is just like phoenix nodded her head, and the rules of leaving and entering the hall.
In the evening, striking drums and bells, chant the “striking-bell Gatha”. To strike the bell and drum is to gather everyone.
After the striking bell, is bedtime to rest.

The next morning at 4:30 am, chant the striking bell gatha, Shurangama Mantra and ten short mantras.
Before dawn, the temple invited Venerable Bo Rue to hold over the undertaking retreat ceremony as the preceptor and teach the Precepts.
All day long, eight sticks of incense a day, the attendees diligently practice the Avalokitesvara (Guanyin ) method, and recite the Bodhisattva’s name. At noon, Buddha puja was made, and the Sangha led all attendees in the formal meal taking.
When Venerable Bo Rue taught the Buddha Dharma, he especially emphasized that It is rare to be born human and rare to hear the Buddha-Dharma.
Life is rare, to be diligent in taking the precepts, to recite the Buddha diligently, to realize the Bodhi Way, and achieved Enlightenment. Buddha dharma is difficult to chance upon.
Now that we have the opportunity to listen to Buddha dharma as a human, we should treasure this rare opportunity and cultivate diligently.
Despite the pandemic in the past three years, since there are still more than 90 attendees, willingly to practice diligently hard, observe right thoughts, free from cycle of life and death, understand the Dharma and eventually will attain Buddha hood .
這次在毗盧寺傳授八關齋戒,雖然短暫時間,大家也能體悟到大叢林鳴鐘鼓, 敲板、進堂出堂 過著一個清淨叢林的生活,感受佛法的熏陶。
On the third day morning, the retreat was completed after the striking bell ,morning session service and meals.
This short term of eight precepts retreat allows lay Buddhist a chance to learn traditional Buddhist etiquette, to experience monastic lifestyle and to calm and settle our body and mind.
Understanding the Buddhist principle of impermanence and no-self, we can thus remind ourselves to learn how to let go of our attachment, and thereby liberate from afflictions. It is especially suitable for people living in today’s hectic and stressful life.