
Wihara Mahavira Monasteries Conducted Series of Gratitude Ullambana Prayer Ceremonies.



一年一度孝道月,大乘漢傳佛教為發揚菩薩的悲願,全球通過不同的方式舉行紀念大會。8月21日,農曆七月十四日至七月三十日 每天下午三點,首都雅加達西禪寺為發揚孝道的精神,由常住衆法師帶領誦念《地藏菩薩本願功德經》兩卷 一日,後舉行晚課迴向。本山住持在修持一部上、中、下卷地藏經時,在中卷休息期間向信衆説明七月源於兩位大菩薩:地藏菩薩 及 目犍連菩薩都是提倡孝道。所以誦地藏經,學習地藏菩薩的悲願,要對一切衆生如看待自己父母來報恩。當今疫情蔓延全球,我們大家在誦經期間應思維報恩宇宙,六道一切衆生如自己的父母來報答迴向。

8月22日,農曆七月十五上午八點, 通過視頻帶領全球三千多位信徒參加頂禮《慈悲三昧水懺》,發揮孝道盂蘭盆的功德為全球各個階層的社會迴向。每一卷水懺都有諷誦盂蘭盆經。通過報恩月,能發菩提心、學習菩薩的悲願、增長菩提道。我們雖然生活在恐懼疫情的國土内,只要保持心中的正念,體悟緣起性空,思維因果業力都是在無常的變化。


8月29日,農曆七月廿二日上午九點,為迎接地藏誕,通過視頻帶領全球佛教徒頂禮《慈悲地藏寳懺》。本山青年學佛會特地呈上盂蘭盆節供佛齋僧揭開頂禮寳懺。視頻期間恭請香港佛教聯合會執行副會長、香海正覺蓮社社長、香港觀宗寺方丈 宏明大和尚談述孝道法門以及修持觀音菩薩法門通過念佛、持咒、誦經、拜懺 面對當今蔓延全球的疫情使佛弟子種下正確的觀念離開恐懼,學習觀音、地藏菩薩孝道的悲願而得到淨化心靈。

Wihara Mahavira Monasteries Conducted Series of Gratitude Ullambana Prayer Ceremonies.

Mahavira News:

In order to propagate the great Compassion of the Bodhisattva in the annual filial piety month, the global traditional Mahayana Buddhist Monasteries hold commemorative prayer ceremony in different ways. On 21 August to 6 September 2021, lunar 14th to 30th of the 7th month, at 3.00pm every afternoon, the temple residential Sangha chant the “Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra” to promote the spirit of filial piety. The Evening Recitations will be held after reciting two volumes.

The chief Abbot Most Venerable Hui Xiong delivered the Dharma speech after reciting the Ksitigarbha scriptures, he explained to the devotees the lunar seventh month is originated from the two great bodhisattvas: Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and Maudgalyana Bodhisattva both advocate filial piety.

Therefore, especially now the covid pandemic is spreading all over the world, by reciting the Ksitigarbha scriptures and learning Ksitigarbha’s great compassion,transferring the chanting merits to all sentience beings in the universal to repay their gratitude and kindness.

On August 22, at 8 am in the morning on 15th day of the lunar 7th month, the temple through lives streaming led more than 3,000 devotees around the world to participate in the prostration of “Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Kshamayati “. This merit is the dedication to all beings in different level of life around the world.

There was also chant of Ullambana Sutra in each volume of Samadhi sutra. Through this month of gratitude, you can develop bodhicitta, learn the great compassion of the bodhisattva, practice filial piety and increase the diligence towards the bodhi path.

Although we are afraid of the covid pandemic as long as we cultivate the right thoughts in our minds and realize the emptiness which refers all things are empty of intrinsic existence and nature,visualize the cause and effect and karma are all changing impermanently.

When we are able to treasure and hold the presents, corresponding to the bodhisattva’s great Compassion, we will surely receive the blessings of the Dharma, which will eliminate disaster. In addition, the public think that lunar seventh month is the hungry ghosts festival,the seventh month in general is regarded as the Ghost Month.

In fact, Buddhism values ​​the purification of the mind and transcends the universe. When we cultivate bodhichitta and compassion to all sentient beings in the six realms can transcend the cycle of life and death. As a Buddhists, we not only transference merits deeds to the ghosts realm but to all sentience beings because we will become Buddhas in the future. The chief abbot shared the Dharma with everyone with the content of the compassionate water repentance during the break time.

On 29th August 2021, the lunar 22nd of the seventh month at 9 o’clock in the morning, to celebrate birthday of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. The temple led Buddhists around the world to prostrate the “Compassionate Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva Repentance Kshamayati Sutra” through lives streaming. The Youth Buddhist group of the temple specially presents the Ullambana Sangha Offering.

The Temple invited the Executive Vice President of Hong Kong Buddhist Federation, the president of Zheng Jue Lian She Temple Hong Kong, and the abbot of Hong Kong Kun Chung Temple, Most Venerable Hong Ming to talk about the method of filial piety and the practice of Avalokitesvara (Guanyin ) Bodhisattva through chanting, reciting mantras, and repentance. Facing the pandemic that is spreading around the world today, the Buddhist should cultivate right thought and right concepts to get rid of fear, and learned the compassion of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva to purify their hearts and minds.

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