The Central and East Java Indonesia Organized Series of Dharma Assembly on the Happy Buddha Days.

The Central and East Java Indonesia Organized Series of Dharma Assembly on the Happy Buddha Days.
Mahavira News:
Central Java is a very old city in Indonesia where Cheng Ho, Ming dynasty admiral and explorer had stationed six hundred years ago. Wihara Mahavira Semarang was established in the main city of Central Java Semarang.
The month of filial piety is held every lunar seventh month from lunar 15th to 22nd.
The Chief abbot Most Venerable Hui Xiong led all residential Sangha to chant and prostrate the “Precious Repentance of the Vajrya Prajna Kshamayati Sutra,” In the evening, a Grand Meng Mountain Offering Ceremony was conducted.
After the consummation of the ceremony, more the hundred of devotees participated in releasing water lanterns ceremony.
Thereafter the chief abbot performed the prayers and delicate the prayer merits to all sentience beings, hoping COVID-19 pandemic will be controlled as soon as possible, people will be blessed, and be free from fear and worries.
As a Buddhist, when we participate in a prayer ceremony and transfer merits to all sentience beings, our practice in the bodhisattva way, will surely obtain extraordinary and infinite supreme merits.