洛城南加禪寺首次舉行誦經禮懺佛法開示典禮 – Nan Jia Ch’an Monastery Los Angeles held the First Chanting Prayer & Dharma Talk



2021年7月10日星期六下午三點,南加禪寺首次舉行法會慶典。是日,本山住持,世佛僧會首席副會長兼秘書長慧雄師父帶領常住法師諷誦【大乘金剛般若波羅蜜經】。當天,二十幾位四眾諷誦大乘經典。本山住持前後開頭及結束向大衆説明金剛經與修學佛法中道智慧的理念。一般世俗人對日常生活,人與人之間的生活抱著 “我贏了,我得到了” 觀念。因此,我們傷害了多少衆生而形成的業報。在無常變化當中認爲修世間的福田能滿足自己的欲望,便認爲有求必應,佛菩薩感應,所求如願。





Nan Jia Ch’an Monastery Los Angeles held the First Chanting Prayer & Dharma Talk

Temple News:

On Saturday, July 10, 2021, at 3 pm in the afternoon, Nan Jia Ch’an Monastery hold the chanting prayer for the first time. On the day, the abbot cum Chief Vice President, Secretary-General of World Buddhist Sangha Council, Most Venerable Hui Xiong, led the sangha and dedicated devotees recited on the Mahayana Sutra-The Vajracchedika-prajna-paramita Sutra(Diamond Sutra).

On the day, more than 20 devotees recited the Mahayana sutras devoutly. The abbot Venerable Hui Xiong explained to the devotees the concepts of the Diamond Sutra and the wisdom of the Middle Way (Sanskrit: Madhyamāpratipada) in Buddhism at the beginning and the end of the prayer ceremony. Peoples hold the strong ideas of “I win, I get” in our life.

Therefore, invisibly we had hurt many sentient beings and formed karma. In the midst of impermanent changes, all human beings think that through blessings can satisfy their desires and needs,they believe that all requests are responsive, and Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will fulfill their wishes and desires.

In fact, as a Buddhist, the purpose of studying Buddhism is to transcend the impermanence of the world. Infinite changes cannot surpass the pain of satisfying desires. The Lord Buddha taught that because no physical or mental object is permanent, desires for or attachments to either causes sufferings.

Only by practicing the Dharma, taking refuge in the Three Jewels, and believe in cause and effect, everything you create is like returning to light. Satisfying one’s desires from body, mouth, mind and karma is not the only way to achieve the most fulfilling life.

The Buddha taught the eighty-four thousand methods are for us to realize the karma are created by body, mouth, mind. karma refers to action driven by intention which leads to future consequences. Those intentions are considered to be the determining factor in the kind of rebirth in samsara cycle of rebirth.

Bad actions in a previous life can follow a person into their next life and cause bad effects and suffering. Therefore, to get rid of distress, one must go beyond secular concepts, improve our life, by clearing our bad karma, from past lives and present life.
The so-called fighting on the desire concepts on “I am right and you are wrong,” “I gain and you lose,” are meaningless.

The Diamond Sutra is a very popular

Mahayana Buddhist text. The philosophy of the sutra is the life philosophy of the way of liberation that the Lord Buddha said “Thoughts should not be conditioned on situations,” means we should develop a mind which does not abide in anything.

In this Sara world, the Sanskrit “anātman” means “non-self”, “None”meaning “not have; without”, is a key word in Buddhism.

The concept of selflessness is one of the distinguishing marks of Buddhism.

Through the principle of “None”, we can realize and feel the change of impermanence, and visualized the Sara world is not belong to us. For Buddhism, the proximate cause of this suffering is craving and attachment, but this is, in turn, generated by the belief in the self. Peoples assume that they have “selves”. When we have illusion, we will have strong clinging and attachment, then there will be troubles and sufferings, once we can let go of all attachments, what we have is unlimited.

If we can enter the realm of the Dharma from the “none”experience, the ultimate supreme truth, the life of a pure heart & mind, and living in the world of impermanence will enable us to realize that forgiveness is more important than striving to win, giving is more important than gain, and tolerance is more important than winning others. A spiritual practitioner can realized and feel pain and boundless disasters in this Sara world. His heart is like a void Dharma Realm who can accept a life that has ruined your life, violated your property, and hurt your self-esteem. A practitioner whose minds are like space as vast as the Dharma realm,whose intellects are broad as the cosmos, whose mental flow is based on accumulated virtue, be a humanistic Bodhisattva and cultivate a philosophy life of Diamond sutra.

On July 11, at 10.30 am Sunday morning, the six residential Sangha led all dedicated devotees to worship the 88 Buddha Repentance Kshamayati Sutra and make puja offerings at noon. Because of a new monastery, some devotees make donations and offerings. The temple in returns lighting lamps for the donors every month. The abbot Venerable Hui Xiong in his Dharma speech said that we need to repent and confess our mistakes devoutly, through visualize our bad deeds we had make. Diligently in confession and seeking repentance will surely lead to renounce our secular mind. If confession only seeks to eliminate disasters and peace, and eliminate the sin karma that has been done without positive thinking, we will only get the humanistic blessings.

We must sincerely express repentance in front of the Buddha’s statue, we must know that the sins we created are from our heart and mind,

our life is shaped by our mind; a good action creates good karma, as does good intent. A bad action creates bad karma, as does bad intent. One does karma by way of body, speech, & mind. All that exists is impermanent; nothing lasts. Therefore nothing can be grasped or held onto. Impermanence is inescapable. Everything vanishes. Therefore there is nothing more important than continuing the path with diligence, practice and cultivation with our wisdom and increase our compassion. The evil karma created is created in a moment from greed, suspicion, and hatred, so all sins are created from the heart. We must grasp our heart, do not let the evil thoughts arise,do not let the evil thoughts to live. As long as we use our wisdom to practice Buddha-Dharma, whether we worship on Emperor Liang Jewel Repentance Kshamayati Sutra or Compassion Sanadhi Water Repentance Sutra, all repentance methods are the methods to practice and get away from suffering and worry. The Practice of repentance is the grand vows make by Mahā ratnakūṭa sūtra,Bhaiṣajyarāja Bodhisattva

(Medicine King Bodhisattva) and Bhaişajya-samudgata Bodhisattva (Supreme Medicine Bodhisattva).

Reciting the mantra of the Bhaisajyaraja & Bhaisaijyaguru-Samudgata will enable us to repent with supreme compassionate vows.

When we correspond to the aspirations of the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, our merits of ritual repentance will be blessed, and we will be relieved from ignorance and troubles and unveiling of our innate and pristine Buddha Nature. On the day, the temple prepares vegetarian food for all the devotees at noon. By reciting the Mahayana sutras for the first time, devotees pray to the Buddha and seek repentance. With such extraordinary merits, everyone is full of joy and bliss.