Beeh Low See Temple Conducted Liang Huang Jewel Repentance Ceremony

Mahavira News:

The annual Spring Liang Huang Jewel Repentance Ceremony was conducted on April 13, 14, and 15, 2023, the lunar leap 2nd month of 23rd, 24th, and 25th. the Sanghas were invited to lead the practice of repentance.

Venerable Abbot led the sprinkling holy water ceremony and explained to the devotees the significance of the Dharma teachings of Liang Huang.

Buddhists should not think that all karmic creditors are sentience beings in the ghost realm. Many people misunderstand that worshiping Liang Huang Sutra means transference merits to the ghost realm.

In fact, to learn Mahayana Buddhism, you should treat all sentient beings in the six realms equally with a broad bodhi heart, and cultivate compassion for all the suffering beings; Through the practice Buddha-Dharma and dedicate the merits to all sentience beings, hoping that they will cease suffering and achieve Buddha-hood.

The sprinkling holy water ceremony was conducted in the main hall, and through diligent practice of repentance will bring joy and Auspicious of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

The Yogacara Ulka-mukha Dharma service was conducted on the second day evening.

May the Covid epidemic can be controlled as soon as possible. May all devotees attain the Bodhi path and achieve Enlightenment.