Ullambana Buddhist Seminar

Mahavira News:

2022年8月27日,農曆八月初一,本山為提倡孝道月,學習菩薩的悲願、學習報恩孝道法門特舉辦【盂蘭盆修持佛法得無上殊勝功德】佛法研討大會。當天下午兩點,禮請澳中佛教總會會長 般若大和尚、本山住持慧雄大師父、壇講師鄭慶文公證人,每位敬請分享佛法20分鐘。

On August 27, 2022, the 1st day of the eighth lunar month, the temple organized the Buddhist seminar in promoting the filial piety, practicing the great compassionate of Bodhisattva.
At 2:00 p.m, the temple invited the president of Australia-China Buddhist Association, Most Venerable Bo Rue,the Venerable abbot Most Venerable Hui Xiong, and the lecturer notary Mr Zheng Qingwen, hold the Buddhist Seminar, each speaker was given 20 minutes to deliver the Dharma speech.


Venerable Bo Rue said the seventh month is an auspicious month, not the ghost month as what the general public thinks. We achieve the highest merits through the idea of ​​repay kindness. At the same time as the seminar is held, it is hoped that the devotees can gain the right understanding of the Dharma in their knowledge and view, and exert the spirit of filial piety in their lives.


Dr. Zheng Qingwen, the lecturer , said that it is a must and important for devotees to respect Buddha,Dharna & Sangha (Triple Gems). In the Ullambana Sutra, the chief disciples of the Buddha Venerable Maudgalyayana saved his deceased mother from the realm of hungry spirits. He could not bear the sight of his mother in such an extreme state of suffering and begged the Lord Buddha to take pity on his mother and rescue her from the sea of suffering. The only way is to use the combined merits of the Sangha . Make offerings to Sangha with sincerity and respectful. Diligently observe the precepts and practice cultivation. The merits that accumulate are immense beyond imagination, and the Buddha is most delighted. Only by practicing precepts, cultivating samadhi, make an offering to the Sangha,you can liberate your deceased parents and relatives from the suffering of the three evil realms through these immense merits.
The Ullambana is not only for the sentient beings who have been saved from the ghost realm, but also must practice filial piety, respect and repay the kindness to our parents as well as parents from the past lives.


Most Venerable Hui Xiong, the abbot of the temple, talked about learning Mahayana Buddhism and imitating the compassionate wishes of the four great bodhisattvas. In coincidence, the lunar seventh month is also the birthday of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and Venerable Maudgalyayana who make offering
to the Sangha during the summer retreat,to enhance the spirit of repaying kindness and filial piety. At the same time, as a humanistic Bodhisattva who practicing Mahayana Buddhism. The path of enlightened Bodhi way is to practice good deeds to help every sentient being out of the sea of ​​misery, accomplish all the good deeds done by sentient beings in the world, and benefit others through tolerance, sacrifice, commitment, forgiveness and attain anuttara-samyak-saṃbodhi, the supreme enlightenment.


On the same day, more than 300 devotees attended the Dharma seminar, the and devotees get the entry ticket online .
The question-and-answer session gave all devotees an opportunity to raise questions and shares. The three speakers answered all the questions .The seminar was full of merits and virtues. The seminar end in the afternoon, and the speaker leads the audience away.