Wihara Purva Vaidurya Grha Kalbar
Blessing Ceremony for Safety and Prosperity in Welcoming the Lunar New Year 2569 B.E./2025
Blessing Ceremony for Safety and Prosperity in Welcoming the Lunar New Year 2569 B.E./2025
Mahavira News:
WIHARA PURVA VAIDURYA MAHAVIRA BUDDHIST CENTRE GRAHA KALBAR; On Sunda y, February 16, 2025, members of the Sangha, along with Buddhist devotees from Kubu Raya and surrounding areas, gathered with reverence and blessings to perform the Blessing Ceremony for Safety and Prosperity in Welcoming the Lunar New Year 2569 B.E./2025 through Namaskara Maitrikaruna Shurangama Ratna Kshamayati. 西加坤甸大叢山東福禪寺新春保運祈福消災平安頂禮慈悲楞嚴寶懺