
Lian Chee Kek Buddhist Temple & Beeh Low See Temple conducted Prayer Ritual Assembly during the Gratitude Lunar Seventh Month




2021年 9月11、12、13日,農曆八月初五至初七,天竺山毗盧寺每年同樣啓建萬緣三千佛普利吉祥勝會。勝會開始前,同樣為發起孝道並誦念地藏經。本山住持於法會第二天通過視頻帶領四衆頂禮大乘金剛寳懺。通過視頻而談述發菩提心如金剛牟尼寳珠,非常堅固的道心來成就阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。當我們能體悟【應無所住】就能夠滅除我執偏見所造成的苦惱。【應無所住】乃是在人間行菩薩道通過學習菩薩的悲願、犧牲小我、付出包容承擔、原諒一切衆生、運用思維的禪定力量得到清淨心、成就一切成佛的種子。看待每一位衆生都是諸佛菩薩,讓【應無所住】智慧達到最殊勝圓滿的功德。萬緣法會第二天晚上,設放瑜伽焰口,普利六道一切群靈、累劫父母、冤親債主,在生者求福慧延壽、往生者離苦得樂,超升淨土。

Lian Chee Kek Buddhist Temple & Beeh Low See Temple conducted Prayer Ritual Assembly during the Gratitude Lunar Seventh Month.

Temple News:

Every year, during the Buddha’s joyful day in the auspicious gratitude lunar seventh month, the temple organized the prayer Ceremony and the residential sangha led all devotees in the chant of Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra and Ullambana Sutra. The completion on 29th August 2021,the 22nd of the lunar seventh month, the Sangha led all devotees to chant and prostrate to the Compassion Samandhi Water Repentance Kshamayati Sutra.

Five days before the ceremony, the abbot led the devotees to recite the “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Sutra” through lives streaming online. The chief abbot Most Venerable Hui Xiong , in his Dharma speech talked about the cultivation and practice of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Dharma, the Kshitigarbha Sutra is a Dharma for developing bodhicitta and to achieve realizations,to be free from the oceans of samsaric sufferings, and the attain Buddha-hood. Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra is one of the most important of all Buddhist texts.

The Sutra on Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Fundamental Vows is dubbed the Sutra of Filial Piety among Buddhist scriptures. As a devoutly Buddhist practitioner, we should learn the essence of Ksitigarbha Dharma and follow the way and bring the spirit of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva into practice: with his great vows for the well-being of all living beings. Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva to resolve to the will of practicing filial piety, extend their filial obedience to their parents in their past lives and even to all the sentient beings to repay kindness and show gratitude. Due to the covid pandemic, only allowed 50 devotees are allow to attend the prayer ceremony. With the merits earned from the Dharma service, we dedicate them to parents, wishing them auspiciousness,good health and hoping the covid pandemic will control and cease as soon as possible. And delicate the merits to the ancestors and deceased to be reborn in a state of bliss and peace.

On 11th to 13th September 2021, the 5th to 7th of the 8th lunar month, the Beeh Low See Temple organized the annual Three Thousands Buddha Auspicious Dharma Assembly. Before the Dharma Assembly started, the residential sangha chant the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva sutra promote filial piety. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in Buddhism is the Bodhisattva who represents the Great Filial Piety. On the second day of the assembly, through online streaming, the abbot led the devotees worship and honour to the Mahayana Vajrayana Repentance Kshamayati Sutra. The abbot in his Dharma speech said a Buddhist practitioner’s bodhicitta is like Vajra Citta mani gemstone, strong faith, be steadfast and firm. Only with strong determination and diligence, one can achieve

Anuttara-Samyak-Sambodhi-unexcelled perfect enlightenment. When we can realize “The Lord Buddha in Vajracchedika-prajna-paramita Sutra” said: “One should develop a mind which does not abide in anything.” All Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas should thus develop a pure and clean mind which should not abide in form, sound, smell, taste, touch and Dharma. This can eliminate our egoism,prejudice and persistence. All truths were created through our hearts,and all truths were demonstrated through our practices. A practitioner should develop a mind that dwells upon nothing, learning the Bodhisattva’s great compassion,tolerance, commitment and forgiving all living beings. Through meditation practice to see the Original Pure Mind; to make it peaceful and achieve the Buddha-hood.

Treat and regarding every living being as the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, cultivate the wisdom and achieve the most extraordinary and supreme merits. On the second night of the assembly, a Yogacara Ulka-Mukha Dharma puja was conducted, and it is to deliver them from all sufferings through the teachings of Buddha.

To transfer the ultimate merits to the departed one,ancestors, parents, teachers,karmic debtors and loved ones for their kindness, and to relieve them and all sentient beings of the three lower realms from suffering and to be born in the Sukhavati Pure land.