2022年8月8日至11日,農曆十一 至 十四日,一連四天本山僧伽帶領四衆虔誦【地藏菩薩本願功德經】。8月12日,農曆七月十五,從上午至晚上本山住持帶領啓建萬緣普利吉祥勝會頂禮【慈悲三昧水懺】,諷誦【盂蘭盆經】。在誦經期間,本山住持向四衆佛法開示談述 漢傳大乘佛教,四大名山代表四大菩薩:觀音普陀道場、地藏九華道場、文殊五台道場、普賢峨眉道場。當我們學習大乘漢傳佛教,效仿四大菩薩的悲願,完成發菩提心,證菩提果。地藏經乃是佛陀進入禪定當中在忉利天宮為摩耶夫人,佛陀的慈母宣説的一部孝道報恩的經。談述從古時以來,地藏菩薩在六道輪回現身菩薩行孝道,如光目孝女。在三惡道化鬼王來救度報恩一切衆生。所以成佛,要具備廣大心、大悲心才能行菩薩道,做人間菩薩。
Ullambana Festival Activities at Wihara Mahavira Graha Buddhist Building Jakarta
The Temple conducted Ullambana Prayer from lunar seventh month,day 11th to 14th, August 8th to 11th, 2022. The residential Sangha leads the devotees to recite the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Sutra for four consecutive days. On August 12, the lunar fifteenth day of the seventh month,the abbot Most Venerable Hui Siong led the prayer of Samadhi Water Repentance Grand Puja and Ullambana Sutra. During the chanting, the abbot was invited to give a Dharma speech on on Mahayana Buddhism in the Chinese tradition and the
Four holy sacred Buddhist Mountains represent the Four Great Bodhisattvas. Four sacred mountains, each inhabited by a bodhisattva, Guan Yin Putuo Mountain, Kshitigarbha Jiuhua Mountain,Manjusri Wutai Mountain and Samantabhadra Ermei Mountain.
When we study Mahayana Buddhism, we learn the great compassionate vows of the four great bodhisattvas, cultivate bodhicitta, and attain the supreme bodhi. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Purvapranidhana Sutra is a filial piety and repayment sutra preached by the Lord Buddha abiding in Trayastrimsa Heaven to expound and preach the scripture of filial piety and repayment of kindness for his mother Śrī Māya. Boundless aeons ago, the great compassion Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva was manifested by his profound Great Vow to uproot misery from and impart peace of mind to all sentient beings. He has appeared as a bodhisattva in the six realms of reincarnation and performed filial piety, like a filial daughter Guang Mu and the three evil realms, manifested as the ghost king to save all sentient beings. He has spent countless Kalpas rescuing them one-by-one, including those sinners who fell into hells, therefore enabling them to reach liberation earlier.
Therefore, to become a Buddha, one must have a broad mind and a great compassion in order to practice the Bodhisattva way and become a humanistic Bodhisattva.
During the samadhi water repentance prayer , the abbot talked about one needs to cultivate bodhicitta in practice of repentance. Bodhicitta means seeing friends and foes as equal. One should think that our benefactor or enemy is our pass seven life’s parents. Their kindness is deep and difficult to repay.
The virtue of one’s parents’ kindness is boundless and limitless. We should appreciate, be grateful for, and repay the love of our parents. To be filial is in fact the most rewarding thing in life. Repaying the kindness of our parents with filial piety, get rid of our anger and hatred,make great vows, and forgive our enemy. Only by sincerely and devoutly praying seeking repentance, one can truly gain the blessings of the Buddha Dharma.