The Indonesia and other countries hold Grand Ullambana Prayer Assembly in Year 2022.
2022年8月8日至11日,農曆十一 至 十四日, 一連四天本山僧伽帶領四衆虔誦【地藏菩薩本願功德經】。8月12 日,農曆七月十五, 從上午至晚上本山住持帶領啓建萬緣普利吉祥勝會頂禮【 慈悲三昧水懺】,諷誦【盂蘭盆經】。在誦經期間, 本山住持向四衆佛法開示談述 漢傳大乘佛教, 四大名山代表四大菩薩:觀音普陀道場、地藏九華道場、 文殊五台道場、普賢峨眉道場。當我們學習大乘漢傳佛教, 效仿四大菩薩的悲願,完成發菩提心,證菩提果。 地藏經乃是佛陀進入禪定當中在忉利天宮為摩耶夫人, 佛陀的慈母宣説的一部孝道報恩的經。談述從古時以來, 地藏菩薩在六道輪回現身菩薩行孝道,如光目孝女。 在三惡道化鬼王來救度報恩一切衆生。所以成佛,要具備廣大心、 大悲心才能行菩薩道,做人間菩薩。
Ullambana Festival Activities at Wihara Mahavira Graha Buddhist Building Jakarta
The Temple conducted Ullambana Prayer from lunar seventh month,day 11th to 14th, August 8th to 11th, 2022. The residential Sangha leads the devotees to recite the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva’s Sutra for four consecutive days. On August 12, the lunar fifteenth day of the seventh month,the abbot Most Venerable Hui Siong led the prayer of Samadhi Water Repentance Grand Puja and Ullambana Sutra. During the chanting, the abbot was invited to give a Dharma speech on on Mahayana Buddhism in the Chinese tradition and the
Four holy sacred Buddhist Mountains represent the Four Great Bodhisattvas. Four sacred mountains, each inhabited by a bodhisattva, Guan Yin Putuo Mountain, Kshitigarbha Jiuhua Mountain,Manjusri Wutai Mountain and Samantabhadra Ermei Mountain.
When we study Mahayana Buddhism, we learn the great compassionate vows of the four great bodhisattvas, cultivate bodhicitta, and attain the supreme bodhi. The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Purvapranidhana Sutra is a filial piety and repayment sutra preached by the Lord Buddha abiding in Trayastrimsa Heaven to expound and preach the scripture of filial piety and repayment of kindness for his mother Śrī Māya. Boundless aeons ago, the great compassion Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva was manifested by his profound Great Vow to uproot misery from and impart peace of mind to all sentient beings. He has appeared as a bodhisattva in the six realms of reincarnation and performed filial piety, like a filial daughter Guang Mu and the three evil realms, manifested as the ghost king to save all sentient beings. He has spent countless Kalpas rescuing them one-by-one, including those sinners who fell into hells, therefore enabling them to reach liberation earlier.
Therefore, to become a Buddha, one must have a broad mind and a great compassion in order to practice the Bodhisattva way and become a humanistic Bodhisattva.
During the samadhi water repentance prayer , the abbot talked about one needs to cultivate bodhicitta in practice of repentance. Bodhicitta means seeing friends and foes as equal. One should think that our benefactor or enemy is our pass seven life’s parents. Their kindness is deep and difficult to repay.
The virtue of one’s parents’ kindness is boundless and limitless. We should appreciate, be grateful for, and repay the love of our parents. To be filial is in fact the most rewarding thing in life. Repaying the kindness of our parents with filial piety, get rid of our anger and hatred,make great vows, and forgive our enemy. Only by sincerely and devoutly praying seeking repentance, one can truly gain the blessings of the Buddha Dharma.
自從8月12至 15 日,農曆七月十五至十八日, 每天下午僧團帶領信衆諷誦【地藏菩薩本願功德經】。 本山住持前往千佛寺為信衆佛法開示,説明農曆七月乃吉祥月。 因爲農曆七月低是地藏菩薩的聖誕, 農曆七月十五是目犍連菩薩提倡孝道報恩盂蘭盆供佛齋僧法會。 兩大菩薩就是為弘揚孝道法門。 所以人間之災難是人道衆生沒有負責任,所作出的罪惡便形成惡業, 因緣成熟而形成災障。 所以大家虔誠發菩提心誦念地藏經為迴向六道一切群靈。 願大家發心的功德 使新冠疫情早日受控。
8月16日,七月十九日 普利吉祥勝會,恭請十幾位僧伽帶領。 傍晚恭請金剛上師設放大蒙山施食。禮懺期間, 本山住持向四衆説明水懺修持的功德。懺悔是一個美德, 用真心懺悔,身口意業從煩惱證菩提。 懺悔的力量能轉化人生的無明煩惱。
中午近25位僧伽應供,提倡盂蘭盆孝道供佛齋僧。傍晚, 由杉振法師主持設放大蒙山施食一堂。
Wihara Sahassa Medan Organized Ullambana Dharma Assembly
On the date of 12th to 15th August 2022, the lunar 15th to 18th day of the lunar seventh month at Wihara Sahassa Temple, the Sangha led all devotees to recite the Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva Purvapranidhana Sutra every afternoon and the chanting service, the abbot preached the Buddha Dharma to the devotees. He explained the lunar seventh month is an auspicious month. This is because end of the lunar seventh month is the birthday of Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva and fifteenth of the seventh lunar month is the Lord Buddha advised his disciple Maudgalyayana to make extensive offerings to the Sangha on the 15th day of the 7th month, Ullambana festival Buddha’s joyful day.
The two great Bodhisattvas advocates and promote the Dharma of filial piety.
Human disasters are caused by human beings who irresponsible, and the sins they commit accumulated and form bad karma, which will cause calamity disasters and obstacles. Therefore, everyone should devoutly recites the Ksitigarbha Sutra in order to dedicate the merits to all the spirits of the six realms. May the merits from everyone’s hearts will cease the epidemic as soon as possible.
On August 16th, lunar seventh month 19th, the temple invited sanghas to attend the Ullambana Sangha Offerings. In the evening, the temple conducted the ritual of Meng Shan food offering. The abbot explained to the devotees, the significance merits and virtues of the practice of Compassionate Samandhi Water Repentance Sutra.
Repentance is a virtue, is a great opportunity for us to cleanse the impurities of our body, speech, mind and karma, and to reflect and repent on the negative karma that we have accumulated over numerous lifetimes. The power of repentance can transform our ignorance and troubles.
At noon, nearly 25 Sangha came to attend the offerings ceremony. In the evening, Venerable Shan Zhen presided over the Ritual of Meng Shan.
國曆8月16至18日,農曆十九至廿一日,一連3天常住法師帶領 諷誦【地藏菩薩本願功德經】。誦經期間,本山住持前往佛法開示, 談到報恩孝道是人生的光明,照耀黑暗嗔恨的煩惱。 安徽九華山是地藏菩薩應化身駐錫,弘揚孝道法門。 通過誦經禮懺殊勝的功德,唯有懺悔力,才能解脫劫難的業報。
農曆 廿二日上午盂蘭盆普利吉祥勝會由本山住持帶領頂禮【 慈悲三昧水懺】直到下午,恭請金剛上師設放瑜伽焰口一堂。 本山住持佛法開示:禮佛一拜,罪滅河沙;念佛一聲,增福無量。 娑婆世界的衆生是活在欲望中, 沒有欲望心卻對不能生存。 不過人道衆生無止儘的顛倒,疑癡 貪圖, 執著欲望得不到人生光明而沒有佛法的人生, 淪落在痛苦的生活受到欲望的災難。所以修持懺法, 觀想無始生死以來執著滿足欲望的念頭, 懺悔改變自己的行爲使煩惱、嗔恨、嫉妒的内心化爲包容、付出、 原諒的力量,才能得到佛法加持力,罪障才能減除。
Lian Chee Kek Buddhist Temple Singapore Hold Auspicious Gratitude Dharma Convention
On 16th to 18th August 2022,the lunar seventh month of 19th to 21st, the residential sangha led all chant Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Purvapranidhana Sutra for 3 consecutive days. During the chanting, the abbot talk about repaying kindness and filial piety is the light of life, illuminating the troubles of darkness and hatred.
Mount Jiuhua in Anhui is dedicated to Ksitigarbha,a bodhisattva and protector of beings in hell realms according to Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Kshitigarbha Bodhisattva
promote filial piety and with he was manifested by his profound Great Vow to uproot misery from and impart peace of mind to all sentient beings.
Through chanting and repenting merits can liberate the karmic karma of catastrophe.
On the morning of the 22nd day of the lunar seventh month, the abbot led all devotees to worship the Compassionate the Ullambana
Samadhi Water Repentance Sutra. In the Dharma speech of the abbot, “Reciting the Buddha’s name, once brings infinite blessings. Boeing once to the Buddha, eradicates as many offenses as there are sand grains in the Ganges River. “ The sentient beings in the Saha world live in desire,without desire they cannot survive. However, human beings are endlessly reversed, they are doubtful, greedy, obsessed with desires, they do not have bright life and there is no Dharma. Through practice repentance. So practice repentance, and visualize the thoughts of clinging to satisfying desires since birth and death. One sincere repent and change one’s behavior so that the heart of troubles, hatred, and jealousy can be transformed into the power of tolerance, giving and forgiveness.
8月20日,農曆廿三日,傍晚, 在三寶壟南香禪寺開壇頂禮金剛寳懺並設放大蒙山施食一堂。晚上8 點,禪寺靠近海灘並在海灘舉行設放盂蘭盆水燈。
本山住持强調心不能向外求,要向内修。 修行要修如金剛堅硬之般若功德才能見到本性清淨, 光明願力遍照十方法界,使黑暗的衆生見到光明,發菩提心, 斷除一切煩惱。放水燈為六道一切群靈迴向 願未增長菩提功德, 速證菩提。8月21日上午頂禮金剛寳懺,中午佛前大供結束後, 通過高速公路直往泗水。
Filial Piety Gratitude Prayer Ceremony held in Semarang, Central Java Indonesia
On August 20 evening, the 23rd day of the lunar seventh month. The Wihara Mahavira Graha Semarang conducted the Grand Diamond Gem Repentance Ceremony and Mount Meng Shan rituals. At 8:00 pm, the Temple is close to the beach and organized the Buddhist water lantern releasing at the beach. The abbot emphasized that the mind precedes all mental states. Mind is our chief; we should not seek outward, we should cultivate our mind within. Do not let our mind be corrupted by worldly vexations that surround one like dust. In practice, one must cultivate the prajna merits as hard as a diamond in order to see the purity of nature.
The power of bright vows pervades the ten Dharma realms, so that sentient beings in darkness can see the light, arouse bodhicitta, and eliminate all afflictions.
The water lanterns are dedicated to all the spirits of the six realms. May the merits of Bodhi increased, and achieve.
On the morning of August 21st, the temple organized the prostration to the Vajra Repentance Kshamayati Sutra ceremony and thereafter the Buddha puja, the abbot went straight to Surabaya by the expressway.
8月21日,農曆七月廿四日,傍晚,曇香禪寺法會舉行灑淨, 並設放大蒙山施食一堂迴向六道一切群靈離苦得樂,超生淨土。8月 22日,農曆七月廿五日,早上,本山住持帶領四衆頂禮【 慈悲三昧水懺】。在禮懺期間,向四衆佛法開示:皈依三寶、 證菩提果、了生死、成佛道。我們修學大乘佛法,學菩薩行, 首先對佛法必定要有正確的信念。七月乃吉祥報恩月, 不是民間所說的鬼月。佛弟子不拜鬼而是修行爲衆生離苦得樂, 迴向六道。其中鬼道的衆生迴能放下嗔恨、嫉妒、遠離疑癡貪嗔、 得大解脫、脫離苦淪。所以皈依三寶者更不可以相信皈依邪魔外道。 你的信仰就如頭上的頭砍斷並再與你身體黏回去是不容易得到人生。 如果對佛法堅固的信心,修持懺摩, 你所種下的禮懺功德必定能達到阿耨多羅三藐三菩提, 無上正等正覺。傍晚,乘機飛巴厘島。
Wihara Mahavira Graha Surabaya at East Java held the Grand Prayer Convention
On August 21 evening,the 24th day of the lunar seventh month, the Wihara Mahavira Graha Surabaya hold the Rituals of Mount Meng Shan. On August 22, the 25th day of the lunar seventh month morning, the abbot led the devotees devoutly bow and prostrate to the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Sutra. During the period of rites, he taught the Buddha Dharma to devotees: taking refuge in the Three Jewels, attaining the path of Bodhi,
to end the cycle of birth & death and achieve the Buddha-hood. When we practice Mahayana Buddhism and learn Bodhisattva’s conduct, we must first have a right belief in Buddhism. Lunar seventh month is the month of auspiciousness and repayment of kindness, not the ghosts month. Buddhist do not worship ghosts, but practice and cultivate good deeds to get rid of suffering and achieve happiness, and transference merits to the six realms.
Among them, all beings in the ghost realm can let go of anger, jealousy, stay away from doubts, delusions, greed, and hatred, obtain great liberation, and free from suffering.
Therefore, those who take refuge in the Three Jewels (Triple Gems) should not believe in taking refuge in demons. If your faith is cut off is just like cutting off our head and is difficult
to glued back to our body.
If you are firm in your faith and believe in the Buddhadharma and practice repentance, you will surely achieve Anuttara-Samyaksambodhi with the merits of ritual and supreme enlightenment. In the evening, the Venerable abbot fly to Bali.
8月23日,農曆七月廿六日, 峇厘島戒光禪寺爲紀念報恩孝道盂蘭盆節, 本山住持帶領佛前淨壇頂禮盂蘭盆寳懺。 峇厘島從疫情期間一切活動停止,剛開放的禪寺舉辦法會。中午, 佛前大供本山住持向信衆開示:神通抵不過業力。 目犍連菩薩能移山倒海, 有多大的神通也沒有辦法救度其母親墮落在餓鬼道受苦。 盂蘭盆節乃是對現今父母及過去七世父母,在生者求福壽安樂, 往生者超生淨土。仗三寶的功德,四衆虔誠布施供養的功德, 目犍連尊者的母親才能得到解脫,離苦得樂。
Ullambana Repentance Kshamayati Sutra Prayer at Wihara Mahavira Graha Bali
On August 23, the 26th day of the seventh lunar month, in order to commemorate the Ullambana Festival, Wihara Mahavira Graha Bali conducted the Gratitude Ullambana Repentance Kshamayati Sutra.
The abbot led the devotees to worship the Ullambana Repentance Sutra. In Bali, all activities have been suspended during the Covid-19 pandemic, and this is the first prayer ceremony conducted since covid pandemic.
The abbot in his Dharma speech said: Divine power cannot overcome karma. The Bodhisattva Maudgalyayana used his spiritual powers to contemplate his mother’s condition and saw that she was suffering in the realm of hunger ghosts. The Ullambana Festival is seek happiness, longevity and happiness for the present parents and reborn in the Pure Land for parents of the past seven lives. Relying on the strength of the transference of merit made by the holy Sangha, Maudgalyayana’s mother was liberated and reborn in the heavens.
西禪長慶寺設立在市中心為當地居民提倡福利,成立施醫贈藥。 三十多年來為地方民衆服務。是日,本山僧伽由杉振法師帶領頂禮【 慈悲地藏寳懺】。當天,剛從澳洲蒞臨印尼, 澳中佛教總會會長般若大和尚為信衆開示。
Conducting Prostration to Kshitigarbha Repentance Kshamayati Sutra at Wihara Mahavira Graha Lautze
Wihara Mahavira Graha Lautze was established in the city center and advocate welfare for local residents, set up free clinic,medical treatment and medicine to the local residents. Serving local people for more than 30 years. On the morning,the residential Sangha and devotees led by Venerable Shan Zhen to pray and prostrate Kshitigarbha Repentance Kshamayati Sutra.
On the same day, the Temple invited Most Venerable Bo Rue,from Australia, the president of the Australia-China Buddhist Association, delivered the Dharma talk to the devotees.